Thursday, February 4, 2021

Miscellaneous Wildlife

Say hello to a pair of black vultures.

And a male Muscovy duck.

A squirrel.

And a tree full of small birds.


  1. You could also have black critters, were it not for the squirrel! Love the stark design of the last one!

  2. The shot with the tree is great, Jack!

  3. Fine wildlife photos. I like seeing the Black Vultures as they are not found on the northern plains. The Black Vultures are the only vultures that will hunt live small game, and they often follow Turkey Vultures to a carcass because they lack the keen sense of smell of the Turkey Vultures. All vultures help keep the environment free for disease so they have an important role to play.

  4. The duck looks as though it's wearing jewellery.

  5. The vultures are particularly formidable.
