Monday, February 8, 2021

Dogtooth Music and Sports Bar

 I heard about a nice mural in this local bar in North Naples, so I walked in.

I was the only person in the bar wearing a mask.  Quick photo.  Bye.

Posted in Monday Mural.


  1. Interesting mural, and good choice to shot and run. Our town has a mask mandate, but our state does not. SD is only surpassed by ND in the rate of Covid=19 infections.

  2. I would have made a quick exit too!

  3. That's a unique and interesting mural. Our state just upped the time allowed for bars to stay open. Before it was 10 p.m., now it's midnight. I have seen FL seems to have a problem with mask wearing. Good that you were smart and left after the lovely mural shot.

  4. Very vibrant mural Jack. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.
    Alice has an Elvis related mural too :
