Tuesday, February 16, 2021

An Eagle

I saw a bald eagle on a tree.  Part of a limb obscured his body.  (We take what we are given.)  It was a day with broken clouds.  Sometimes a cloud passed over.  The first two images were taken when cloudy.

Other times the sun shone brightly.  The next two were taken when the sun was shining, although on the other side of the eagle.  

I could argue for either pair of images.  What do you think?


  1. In that last one with him looking right at you, I'm thinking he now has you marked, and will consider how you took his photo with that box in front of your eye, and maybe you'd be good to eat, but probably not.

  2. I can't decide which pair I like best. He certainly was aware of you, Jack!

  3. Personally, I like the last two images with the sunlight, but it is the photos themselves that I like. The Eagle is posing better. But my opinion is only worth what you paid for it, in other words, not much.

  4. I can't choose, they are both fantastic shots. Such a gorgeous bird.

  5. All of these shots are great, but the last one is my favorite. He is giving you the stare!
