Friday, January 1, 2021

Catching a Fish

 2020 was a year spent close to home, whether in Florida or Connecticut.  No travel for stimulation.  

It was mainly bees, butterflies, flowers.  Birds and fish.  Many walks to the park in Connecticut.  In Florida it was driving around in a golf cart looking for wildlife.  That usually meant birds.

So, a "photograph of the year?"  Hmmmm.  Challenging this year.  Probably a bird, preferable a bird doing something.  Probably like this March image of a Florida cormorant with a fish that might be too big to eat.

Or, also in Florida in March, down the hatch of this anhinga.

In the summer I spent hour after hour in Elizabeth Park waiting for a great blue heron to do something.  Like this May image of a Connecticut GBH flying off with its golden carp prize.

Or this GBH with a big fish in July.

And in September I spent some time in Ridgefield, Connecticut, where my daughter has cultivated a garden that attracts bees and butterflies and other pollen spreaders.  Rose of Sharon.

To see what other City Daily Photo bloggers have chosen for their "photograph of the year,' click here.


  1. Jack, I like all your choices. I especially like the great blue heron photo and the "Rose of Sharon" explanation of the photo from your daughter's garden.

  2. Good ones, Jack! The bee is wonderful!

  3. Fine selection, Jack. You had photographic success in 2020. Happy New Year.

  4. What great captures of the birds capturing their dinners. Those are super shots!

  5. Beautiful herons and I like the bee too. Best wishes for the new year!

  6. Great captures of the GBH catching their prize. I love your bird photos, they are fantastic. Best wishes for a great 2021, Jack.
