Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Fifth Avenue South

 Last weekend I visited Naples' leading street, Fifth Avenue South.

There was a small and lightly attended show of cars sponsored by the local Porsche club.

There was an art show with just a fraction of the usual number of exhibitors and shoppers.  The exhibitors' tents were well spaced apart and "wear a mask" signs were everywhere.

High end art galleries and restaurants were open and decorated for Christmas, but customers were rare.

It is a terrible time to be a merchant of any kind.


  1. Who knew your Naples is a Gulf of Mexico town...rather Mediterranean looking! I do feel for retailers these days. Beautiful to see that it's all decorated so nicely.

  2. It is a horrible time for so many people for so many reasons. Let us all hope that normal returns.

  3. Sad to see everywhere so empty and yet it’s the only way to be safe.

  4. Fine street photography. Just sold my Porsche. They are terrific cars. Sad these street events are so lightly attended, but it would be tragic to catch the virus just weeks before a vaccine is available.

  5. Those businesses must be struggling to pay their rents these days. I see that the signs advocating mask-wearing are difficult for some to understand.

  6. Always fun with a var show. Lets hope that it will be a bigger one a year from now.
