Friday, October 2, 2020

Cass Gilbert Fountain

 The designer of the U.S. Supreme Court building, Cass Gilbert, was a noted architect in the early 20th century and a summer resident of Ridgefield, Connecticut. 

Gilbert lived at the intersection of Main Street and West Lane and donated to the town a fountain that sits in a triangular island at that intersection.

The fountain is a leading symbol of the town.  Unfortunately, it also serves as a target for poor drivers, who keep driving into it despite the curbing, plantings and elevated platform.


  1. Is this your new town, Jack? It looks quite nice.

  2. That is a lovely fountain. My Aunt and Uncle had one like it in their back yard. There were always large goldfish in the pond under the fountain. Sorry to hear drivers can not avoid it. That must be a maintenance headache for the city.

  3. An, he designed the state capitol of Minnesota!!
