Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Books on the Common

 Sure, I buy some books on Amazon or in a Barnes & Noble big box store, but my favorites are locally owned independent bookstores.  R.J. Julia in Madison, CT.  Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, VT.

Ridgefield has an indie bookstore that matches up with the best.  Books on the Common is on Main Street, across from the Town Hall.  I have never left empty-handed.  My family knows that when they need a birthday or Christmas gift for me, Books on the Common is the place to go.


  1. Me too...and we no longer have an indie bookstore in Black Mountain, so I go to nearest city, Asheville for Malaprops. Then there's City Lights in (Siler City?) which means an hour's drive through beautiful woods.

  2. How lucky to have a good bookstore in town!

  3. I morn the loss of the small, independent bookshops. We use to have three of them here in town, but now there are all gone. There is a Barns & Noble in Sioux Falls, but that is 50 miles to the south.

  4. Is this white rabbit waiting for Alice?
