Sunday, October 25, 2020

At Books on the Common Again

 I spoke with Carol . . .

. . .  and Jackie to tell them how much I enjoy this independent bookstore.

The books in the window are always so interesting.  I want all of them.  Local students have painted the windows of participating merchants with Halloween-themed images.  I did that as a kid.

One window display shows a current political book behind a pile of humorous books co-authored by Roz Chast, a New Yorker cartoonist who lives in Ridgefield.

And a decorated scarecrow is on a tree outside the store, with its decorations inspired by a children's book, Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson.


  1. Yay to indie bookstores! Cute scarecrow!

  2. You are so lucky to have this store nearby!
    I remain an enigma, Jack!

  3. Looks a great bookshop. I could spend hours in there! I've read the book by Anthony Doerr, advertised in your first photo, and enjoyed it very much.
