Friday, September 18, 2020

DORO Marketplace

 Dorjan Puka is a talented chef and entrepreneur.  Albanian-born, he trained in several fine restaurants in Greater Hartford.  In 2010 Dorjan went out on his own, opening Treva, a sterling Italian restaurant in West Hartford Center.  Treva was followed by Avert (French) and Zohara (Middle Eastern), within sight of Treva in West Hartford Center.  Artisanal Burger (American, of course) is now in Manchester.

Recently I found myself near his newest place, DORO Marketplace, this time a breakfast and luncheon spot in the southern part of West Hartford.  I stepped inside.  It was packed!  (If a place with socially distanced seating and lines can be called packed.)  Dorjan's magic touch continues. 

The Hartford Courant ran an article about DORO Marketplace yesterday.


  1. The most successful people and businesses have that ability to shift and change with the times. This guy obviously has the knack.

  2. He has built an empire, Jack! This place looks inviting!

  3. Packed, at least under the current circumstances. Most people seem to be paying attention to the present rules.
