Thursday, August 13, 2020

WiFi is Back

Nine days without the internet or cable or TV.  Storm Isaias clobbered West Hartford. 

People went for walks, talked to neighbors, read books. 

What else can you do when modern life is disrupted?  

Some even learned how to do blog posts from their cell phones. 


  1. Oh my goodness...that's so sad, living without cable. It's just a step down from no electricity. And it's good that people found alternatives!

  2. There is no way that I could do a post from my cell phone. I'm impressed, Jack!

  3. Wow, I'm impressed. I don't think I could get the job done on my cell phone.

  4. It is a real hardship to go without WiFi, Internet, and cable TV. Our Iowa friends have not had electricity for four days because of a massive storm. They have had to travel to charge their cell phones.

  5. Hi Jack, thanks for letting me know about the end of City Daily Photo. It's a shame you couldn't find an alternative and I understand what you're saying about the dwindling numbers on blogs. I once had up to 99 comments per post but am lucky to have 10 comments a day now.

    I have been posting my photos on Instagram in the past few years but don't seem to have the same reach as I did on blogger in its heyday. I hope you keep on blogging too. Cheers, Jim.

  6. That's a long time to be out.

    I've found your notification on Jim's blog about CDP coming to an end.
