Sunday, August 2, 2020

Want to Buy a Fire Station?

Last week the City of Hartford put this old fire station up for sale.  It dates back about a hundred years. 
 It served as the fire department's headquarters until 2013, when a new public safety complex opened.

The fire station closed early this year.  The City hopes a developer might use the first floor 
for restaurants or entertainment and the upper floors for condominiums.


  1. It's a good looking functional old building...Ghost Busters?

  2. A fine building in a central location should draw a number of developers. But what a terrible time to be trying to open a restaurant, a hazardous business in the best of times. Barbara Rogers may be right.

  3. That would certainly have been the plan here in better times. We actually went to a restaurant last night which was only the 2nd day they were open here. There were few people around and all of the staff wore masks so I felt safe as we sat by an open window.

  4. That would probably be the best use for it.
