Monday, August 24, 2020

Some Elizabeth Park Visitors

 On a recent visit to Elizabeth Park I met some interesting people and saw some others in the distance.

A mother photographed her young daughter in the rose garden.

Lenox is 14 months old.  She visited the park with her very sociable mother, Jen. 

Lenox didn't express any opinions.

Awina is a rising junior at Southern Connecticut State University.  She sat alone on a rose garden bench and thought big thoughts.  Awina came to the USA from Liberia seven years ago.

An Indian woman posed for her husband.

A wedding party hustled to their venue.

And Vicanda was posing for her Sweet Sixteen photographs.  Sixteen?  27?  I can't tell.


  1. You got some fine portraits, Jack!

  2. Beautiful people are drawn to a beautiful setting, where you await to snap their portraits!

  3. you make me want to visit this park....beautiful people in a beautiful space

  4. You seem to be at your best with a wide variety of human beings...doing fine portraits. Some people, like the O+ blood type, are universal donors. You seem to be the universal receptor, and are able to pass it on. well done.
