Saturday, August 15, 2020

Some Recent People

My friend Tom is a fifth grade science teacher.  He is worried about being exposed to covid-19 
when school re-opens but he is not emotionally ready to retire.

A young man was taking photos of Tnasia In the Elizabeth Park rock garden.  I offered to photograph the two of them together.  He declined and told me to photograph Tnasia.  So, I did.
The lighting and position weren't the best.  Sometimes you just work with what you are given.

Jill's tattooed arm filled with macarons caught my eye at Lavender Pond Farm.
She is a pastry chef in Boston.  

Chris is a photographer and videographer active on Instagram as @faceyshotit.
The NASA jacket is just a jacket.  No special meaning.

Chris was in Elizabeth Park photographing Brittney, a fellow Instagrammer (@bryttne_xoxo) with 253,000 followers.  Gasp!  Brittney just moved to Colorado to pursue a masters in 
biomedical science on her way to realizing her dream of becoming a doctor.

Gerald is a lawyer specializing in workers compensation.

I took all portraits while masked and using a long telephoto lens, 
so I was further away than might seem from the images.


  1. We haven't seen many of your great portraits for a while, Jack! Nice ones. Those tattoos are incredible.

  2. I feel sorry for your friend, Tom. I am happy to be retired and out of the classroom. Jack, you do the best portraits of interesting people.


  3. Very glad to see you have found a way to keep doing portraits. You are very good at that, and I suspect that is not just because you are good at operating a camera. (I don't mean people are to be "operated" but rather something like they are "encountered.")

  4. These are great! I love this kind of work.
