Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My Neighborhood

My neighborhood is tree-lined.  Leafy.  Big traditional houses built in the 1920s and '30s on smallish but well-tended yards.  Usually center-entrance colonials.  I have been here 40 years.  Some neighbors have been here longer.  Once people buy a house here, they stay.

What do I like about it?  Aside from the beautiful park two blocks away, I like the constant flow of people.  Walkers, runners, dog walkers, stroller pushers, bicyclists, rollerbladers, scooter riders.  But, later this year or next, it will be time to put my house in new hands.  I hope there are little kids.

The July theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Neighborhood."  Click here to see more.


  1. Beautiful neighborhood. Sorry you're planning to move, but that's part of life. Glad you are still taking these gorgeous photos!

  2. It looks like a very restful neighborhood, Jack! Will you live in Florida all year?

  3. You do have a great looking neighborhood, Jack. I am sure you have the best of reasons for thinking about leaving it.

  4. It's a beautiful neighborhood Jack. It reminds so much of where I grew up.

  5. What a beautiful neighborhood. I love all the greenery and those tree lined streets are a pleasure to see.

  6. Great to see such a lovely area. With kids! I too hope that your house will have some kids in it. Those gated "over 55" communities have always sounded like the kiss of death to me. Yet, I know some who have moved there and and enjoy it. Just shoot me now. I've liked variety in my 74 years...and hope for more! Thanks for your variety in your photos...and I'm partial to the night hope you don't give that up.

  7. It'll be quite a change when you go.
