Saturday, July 18, 2020

Goodbye Columbus

Historical statuary is under assault all around the country.  So, last month I went past the Christopher Columbus statue in downtown Hartford to photograph it in anticipation that it would be under fire.

Called that one right.


  1. I'm not sure where I stand on taking down what seems like all of the old statues. We all have warts and probably no one is perfect enough to have a monument if you look closely into their life. It is a real quandary.

  2. If there were only ways to change popular opinions without disrespecting the history we learned, but change it to be more inclusive rather than destructive. I wonder if these times of dismantling historic statues will be added to the history written about today.

  3. Not at all sure about removing all these historic statues. Columbus statues loss may be seen to an insult to the Italian-American population. Should we judge these people by our current standards, or by their own? It is conflict between ethnocentrism and cultural relativity.
