Monday, July 27, 2020

Echinacea and Guests

A big Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly spends a lot of time 
flitting from one coneflower (Echinacea) to another.

A monarch butterfly made a cameo appearance.

Bumble bees are full-season residents.

But a yellow jacket was an interloper.

A green dragonfly paid a house call.

As did a silver-spotted skipper butterfly.

And a camera-shy goldfinch (through the window)!


  1. Wonderful...I was thinking, where were you to get all those critters! Ah, and the window gives a clue!

    1. My daughter is an active gardener and she has many plants that attract bees and butterflies. Visiting for a few days.

  2. This is a great series, Jack!

  3. Echinacea was grown commercial around here. I am sure the wildlife enjoyed its flowers. You found some wonderful visitors to your flowers.
