Saturday, July 11, 2020


Dave's career was in IT at a couple of insurance companies, including MassMutual.
For a while he volunteered at Elizabeth Park.  Now he is a part-time employee.
This week he was tying down the canes on the rose garden arches.

An advantage of shooting with a zoom lens is that I can come in close visually
while maintaining a distance safe for my subjects and myself.


  1. It is nice to see your portraits again, Jack! Stay safe.

  2. Dave is brave, wearing only one glove with rose stem tying...I'd guess he finds tying string or whatever he uses needs a bit of dexterity. Your telephoto close up portrait is really nice.

  3. I'm intrigued by his Mass Mutual hat - part of the insurer's uniform? Or he loved his job so much he had a hat made to celebrate it?
