Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jonathan's Dream

In the 1990s, a local woman gave birth to a son, Jonathan, with severe disabilities 
that took his life when just one year old.  

She coped with her grief by raising funds to create a "Boundaryless Playground" at which children of all abilities could play.  Jonathan's Dream is on the property of the Mandell Jewish Community Center in West Hartford.  Like so many other worthy things, it is shut down for now.


  1. What a splendid memorial to the young lad. As you probably know, I worked at a school for children with severe disabilities, we had a play area there known as The Learning Curves which had a long raised walkway so that children in wheelchairs could look down on everyone else instead of having to look up to them all the while.

  2. So many people say they will do something and don't but this woman is a great model for all of us. How wonderful, Jack.

  3. What a sad story, but it does have a happy ending with this fine playground.

  4. Differently abled kids can come back here again (soon I hope) when the pandemic has finally passed...John, I like The Learning Curves idea.
