Thursday, April 16, 2020


An osprey in a scrub pine tree.

So long as I need to stay (close to) home during this pandemic, I am happy that there is 
so much wildlife in my community to keep my camera and me entertained 
while I hop in my golf cart and wander around.

And, yesterday, another osprey stood atop a dead tree.


  1. I've been wandering lane ways trying to avoid people and certainly am finding different things than you are, Jack. Stay well and keep exploring.

  2. Beautiful birds...I enjoyed seeing nests for them along I-4 in FL a few years ago...flat platforms atop utility poles. I wonder if they're still there.

  3. You are so luck to have all of this so close by.

  4. Jack, you are lucky to have such a wonderful assortment of birds in your neighborhood.

  5. These are so sharp. Makes me wonder if you used a tripod or monopod.

  6. And you're keeping us entertained as well. It's a win-win all round. Thanks.

  7. Great osprey shot! I saw one today, I think, swooping down and catching fish. I had left my camera indoors because I was just eating lunch on the deck, so I didn't have the zoom lens to take a close look.
