Sunday, March 1, 2020

City Hall

The March 1 theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "municipal building."

Built in 1928 when Naples was barely a fishing village, the current city hall in Everglades City was initially the seat of county government.  When the county seat moved to Naples
 in the early 1960s, the building became the city hall.

Naples City Hall is an uninspired functional building on Eighth Street South in Olde Naples,
across the street from a performance space, tennis courts and an active park.

Click here for more photos of municipal buildings.


  1. I wonder if those palm trees have been there all along, or maybe have been replaced a few times after storms. They seem to endure forever in some places.

  2. I like that older building best, Jack! It suits Florida so well!

  3. The traditional 1928 building has charm and beauty, but the modern building not so much. Great architecture does not exist when the primary goals are low cost and efficiency.

  4. I love the top photo! It looks so New England.

  5. Wherever they come from there won't be many City Daily Photo bloggers who find more attractive buildings than that top one.

  6. They just don't build em like they used to!

  7. I vastly prefer the older building.
