Friday, February 21, 2020

Golf Tournament

My club is having a golf tournament from Thursday through Sunday.  I play golf for the fresh air, exercise and companionship.  In other words, I stink.  So, I am not playing in the tournament.


  1. I does seem a bit boring to watch others play golf. The most I've ever done was putt-putt. And nobody seems to do that any more. Another endeavor where families played together that's least in my area.

  2. There will be stories to tell after the tournament is over!

  3. At least you're honest.

    I'd probably end up doing much worse than you.

  4. Not a game I've ever played, apart from a bit of putting at the seaside. In my youth you had to be wealthy to play golf, though not so much now. I've never understood how it is that so many of your countrymen say that cricket is boring but are happy to spend four days watching major golf tournaments. Each to his own!
