Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Empty Bowls

Empty Bowls is an annual fundraiser in Naples' Cambier Park.

Potters make bowls for artists and supporters to decorate, visitors pay $20 and pick a bowl, and about 50 restaurants donate soups to fill the bowls.

The money that is raised goes to local organizations feeding the hungry.

The event is a huge success every year.


  1. I've read about something similar...maybe Roanoke does something like it too.... awesome!

  2. What a great way to raise money for charity. The crowd certainly turned out.

  3. They used to do that here too but, I haven't seen it in a while. I need to check on that.

  4. We do an "Empty Bowls" event here in Eagan, Minnesota every year, too. I never miss it!
    Cheers from Eagan Daily Photo

  5. As a potter, I donate several bowls annually to various Empty Bowls programs run by different charities here. That is a great crowd of people there...and I could sit right down and throw some bowls with those other potters. I like that there's a decorate a bowl phase as well...though it would take firing in a kiln before they could take it home and use it. I love going to these soup and bread functions where you get to choose a bowl and take it home with you!
