Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Cruise in Rookery Bay

The Conservancy of Southwest Florida sponsors cruises in Rookery Bay.
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve stretches across 110,000 acres of pristine mangrove forest, uplands and protected waters, encompassing 40% of Collier County coastline.

The cruise begins in the afternoon and finishes at sunset.

There are lots of pelicans, some on the water, some in trees, some in the air.

And a few great blue herons.

And osprey.

And double-crested cormorants.

Tomorrow:  sunset on Rookery Bay.


  1. I will occasionally see a heron along a river or Creek makes me so happy!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful cruise, Jack!

  3. Sounds like a perfect place for wildlife spotting.

  4. Wonderful bird photos. Your last one brought a smile. The birds seem to know this is their space.
