Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Naples Train Museum

The Naples Train Museum is in a back room of the Naples Depot Museum.  It is a 20-year old train layout criss-crossed by a dozen trains.  The museum is operated by volunteers and is open 
only on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


  1. There was a time when the grown-ups would have had trouble getting me out of there! It looks a fantastic set-up.

  2. I think of this as a connection of the generations, first my father...and finally my sons...with me as daughter/mother in the middle getting as much of a kick out of this as they would probably.

  3. I love train rooms! Even as an adult, they are so much fun.

  4. That looks like so much fun to watch, Jack!

  5. I'd love watching the trains go around. How fun.

  6. Christmas is a perfect time for a model railroad. They are always fun.

  7. I love this set up. I used to help my dad with his trains a very long time ago.
