Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lots of Life on the Golf Course

Fortunately, my golfing partner was tolerant of a few extra minutes 
for me to photograph some of the life on the golf course.

A roseate spoonbill.

An anhinga.

A small heron.  I'm guessing it is a snowy egret.

A gator.

A great white egret.

A wood stork.


  1. No time for golfing with all of those creatures around, Jack! Have a great New Year's eve!

  2. Hope you used your long lens to photograph the gator. They are faster than they look. Hope your golf was successful, I know your wildlife photography was.

  3. Wow, that's quite a lot of wildlife on the course. I hope you didn't get too close to the gator.

  4. Beautiful birds, and a formidable gator.

  5. My goodness, I'd not get any play on that course.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year, Jack.
