Sunday, December 15, 2019


I'm back in Naples for a few days before returning north for Christmas.

A mother and daughter team from Zimbabwe own Kunjani, a coffee shop based in their art gallery specializing in African art.  It is across Seagate from the Waterside Shops.  Kunjani is highlighting  lifelike pencil and graphite animal drawings by Zimbabwe artist Fraser MacKay. MacKay is an avid conservationist who devotes much of his time to anti-poaching causes.


  1. I'm not a coffee drinker but I'd really enjoy seeing this art. Just last night I watched a Netflix movie called Holiday in the Wild about rescue and rehabilitation of elephants. I enjoyed it very much. Elephants are amazing creatures.

  2. I love Kunjani that you've told me the name of it I'll keep an eye out for MacKay's work.

  3. That drawing is fabulous, Jack! I bet you are nice and warm down there!
