Sunday, November 17, 2019

Naples Bay

There are impressive boats wherever you look.  Ka-ching.

They say the two best days in the life of boaters are when they buy a boat and when the sell it.


  1. They also say that the bigger and more expensive the boat the less it gets used, which certainly holds true around our coast. Huge yachts stand idle while little dinghies and rowing boats are in constant use.

  2. I do like spending an afternoon out on the water...just cruising around, perhaps stopping at an islet.

  3. John's comment is interesting to think about. I'm glad you are feeling better and getting out and about in the warm weather, Jack! It is still colder than normal up here.

  4. I've heard that before. I remember a time in childhood when my dad wanted to buy a boat. We even went to a factory one day to see how they were made.

  5. Yes, a lot of cash has been sunk into those.
