Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Back in Naples

I am back in hot and humid southwest Florida.  Some folks down here are grousing about the uncharacteristic heat.  But, after enduring major surgery six weeks ago and some complications, I am happy to have weather that lets me get outside and walk and start regaining my strength.

A big and slow-moving cormorant is an easy first Florida photography subject this season. 
 I always have to remind myself, "hooked bill = cormorant, straight bill = anhinga." 

This is my first post since September 26, the day of surgery.  
No promises about whether I can or will post daily.


  1. Welcome back...I've missed your beautiful photos and comments about them and life. Keep on doing whatever feels best for you, I'll wait.

  2. Glad to hear from you, Jack! I hope the rest of your recovery is positive.

  3. Great photos Jack and welcome back!

  4. Welcome back. Rest up and get well. It has been over a year since my surgeries last summer, and I’m still not quite 100%. It takes time to heal and regain strength. Taking picture walks does help!!

  5. Jack, good to hear you are recovering, and enjoying warmth in Florida. Keep your camera handy, but do not press yourself too much. As the old Blues song goes, "Take it slow and easy..." I have always had a soft spot for cormorants since observing them working as fisherman in China.

  6. Hurray! I'm so pleased to see you posting again, Jack! The warm Florida weather will be good for you! They say we may see a bit of snow here tonight which is really early for us.

  7. Glad you're recovering. It may be slower than you'd like but take each day as it comes. No pressure.

  8. I'm so glad you are recovering in sunny Florida. These are great photos of the cormorant. I love the one where he's eating the fish.
