Thursday, August 22, 2019

Real Bodies

The Connecticut Science Center has an exhibition of real human bodies that have been dissected to expose the innards and then preserved.  (I think they were dead first.)

One of the first rooms involves muscles.

 It showed bodies engaged in sports.

Another showed the brain.

An ossuary is a display of bones.  Who knew?


  1. Not something I would be heading out to see but it is interesting.

  2. I remember seeing a similar museum exhibit over 15 years ago, and there was a big uproar about something or another. Seems like human curiosity should have the opportunity to see, and if people are offended, they don't have to go see the show.

  3. I have to admit, that's something I would avoid.

  4. Something similar was here a few years ago but I didn't go. I think seeing your photos is enough.

  5. Came through Honolulu years back. Fascinating? Unsettling? Educational? Questionable? YES

  6. You mentioned getting the cobwebs out yesterday. If this didn't do it......
