Friday, August 9, 2019

More Black and White Portraits

To get more practice with black and white portraits, I stopped on Albany Avenue in Hartford and walked around.  Albany Avenue is the center of the city's African American community.

Stanford is neither a hair stylist nor from Curaçao.  He was pleasant but his answers were all "yes" and "no."  I sensed that Stanford is a wise man.  I wish I was able to generate a conversation.

David stood out with his shaved head and thick beard.  His right arm has a Biblical tattoo.
He posed awkwardly in an attempt for me to photograph it, but it didn't work so I cropped it out.

Ashley didn't know whether to trust me, but she took a chance.  And surprised me with a smile. 

I didn't get his name.  He was waiting for a bus with a friend.  The bus arrived and he dashed for it.

I told Elvis I might put the portraits on Instagram.   That won him over.

Eric was happy with how big his arms looked in his portrait.


  1. Very nice portraits. I need to practice portraiture more often. I'm never satisfied with my pictures of people.

  2. You are getting so good with these portraits, Jack!

  3. Oh wow, more wonderful portraits. You are so good at this!

  4. Jack, these are all excellent. Very well composed and I like the b/w. The first one is my favorite.
