Saturday, August 17, 2019


Dawn and I were browsing in the same bookstore.  A friendly smile, nice features, casually tousled hair, a colorful and bold dress.  When we got outside, of course I asked if I could photograph her.

Dawn was born in Jamaica, the sixth of 12 children.

She was a teacher for 25 years, mostly in Pennsylvania, later in Connecticut.
Looking to change direction, Dawn is now a financial advisor for a major money management firm.


  1. 25 years??? She must have started as a child herself!

  2. I thought this would be a photo of a sunrise, she is just as lovely!

  3. She looks too young to have worked anywhere for 25 years - let alone in a stressful job like teaching. Lovely portraits.

  4. That's quite a career change! Another lovely model Jack ✨
