Sunday, August 4, 2019

Black and White Portraits

I spent half an hour in West Hartford's Blueback Square, shooting black and white portraits.
Usually any B&W photos I show were shot in color and edited into B&W.
I wanted to try shooting directly in B&W.

An elderly man sat down near me.  As I approached, Frank said, "Guess how old I am."   104!  Really.  He recited an original poem, something like "Today I am 104 and I am looking for more;  Next I will be 105 and still alive."  Frank went all the way through 110   An optimist!

Effie is from Greece.  She was in a hurry to pick up her kids but was still willing to pose.

Robert is a personal trainer.  (I know that is hard to believe.)


Reece is Anekah's friend.  The neck tattoo reads "Fearless."  I would add "Fierce."

James and Robert are partners who own a small trucking company.
Robert's eyes are open.  Really.

Edwin works in maintenance at Blueback Square.


  1. Great portraits, and reminds me of how I used to prefer b&w film which showed so many fine details.

  2. Amazing Details In Your Shot - Well Done


  3. I'm impressed with how courageous you are to go up to strangers and ask to take their pics, Jack!

  4. The laughing woman is my favorite here.

  5. Gosh they're fantastic Jack, I thought you weren't a big fan of black and white? This is something I really want to do, set the camera to b&W for the day but I'm always scared I'll miss some fabulous colourful opportunity 😊

  6. Those are some beautiful portraits, Jack. Well done!

  7. These are all very effective in B&W. Some interesting faces there (not to mention the muscles on that guy!)

  8. Your portrait of Anekah is my favourite of the set.
