Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Out of the Jurisdiction: Salamanca

Today the ship docked on the Douro River on the border between Portugal and Spain.
We took a bus ride to the old Spanish town of Salamanca.

The town hall is in the center of a very large plaza.  The stone in Salamanca is golden.

Must see features of Salamanca are adjoining cathedrals, the old cathedral (on the right, built between the 12th and 14th centuries) and the new cathedral (on the left, built in the 16th through 18th centuries), and the university, one of the oldest in Spain and in Europe.


  1. Wow - such detail in the carving, Jack!

  2. The cathedrals are wonderful, Jack. I visited the town of Salamanca two years ago, I especially liked the magical atmosphere of the Plaza Mayor in the evening.
