Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Many A's for These Ladies

Anita.  Angelina.  Angelica.  Angela.
Four women dressed for an afternoon in the Elizabeth Park rose gardens.  I had leashes for two eighty pound dogs in one hand and a camera in the other so I couldn't take notes.

This is Anita.  She was the group's photographer.  
Anita handed the camera to a young girl so I could take her picture.

Here we have Angelica and Angelina.  Or Angelina and Angelica.

The A with the blue flower in her hair had a marvelous 1940s or 1950s styling.

I am pretty sure this is Anita.  (Oops . . . no . . . Angela.)  She used to work in a tattoo parlor.  
The boss got bored and tattooed her arm.


  1. You seem to be sure that at least two of them are called Anita! Maybe they could get their names tattooed on their arms in case they meet you again. Nice photos anyway, whoever they are.

  2. These are terrific portraits of the ladies.

  3. What a great set of photos of these very attractive ladies. I love those flowers in their hair.

  4. They all seem to have a 40s vibe going with their dresses and the flowers in the hair! Nice post, Jack!

  5. Nicely done, Jack. They are beautiful. Even better since you had those two dogs with you.
