Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Out off the Jurisdiction: Finally, Sun in Quebec!

I started in Paillard, a pastry shop on Rue Saint-Jean, 
favored by Inspector Gamache in Louise Penny's Bury Your Dead.

I liked walking along the seawall of Île d'Orléans, a big island in the St. Lawrence River that looks back to Quebec City.  There were numerous charming cottages with views to the river.

And, off course, a stop for chocolate.

I'm always trying to take photos out of train and bus windows, but the motion and the reflections and the tinted windows usually defeat me.  But, I liked this bus window shot of farmland on Île d'Orléans.

At Montmorency Falls the heavy rains of the past few days combined with the snowmelt
to produce an impressively heavy flow.


  1. Great collection of photos - all taken from just the right place. Did you see Gamache with his croissant?

  2. These pics take me back to childhood holidays! Thanks Jack.

  3. The falls are particularly amazing. I've seen them a couple of times.

  4. Gorgeous shots and I like the one taken out of the bus window. Hard to do!
