Sunday, June 16, 2019

Out of the Jurisdiction: Rainy Quebec City

 Rainy today and the forecast is for more rain in the coming days.

A tour guide explained a statue in the rain.

And in the courtyard of a former monastery.

A horse and carriage had no business.

They aim cannons at citizens in Quebec.  Strange.

There was a brief bit of sunshine after lunch at the Chateau Frontenac, so I took a photo.
Might be the last sun for a while, so you take what you can get.


  1. We also have had long periods of rainy days...but it's nice today. Gratitude for small things. Quebec looks lovely. I remember brick and stone streets and wonder if any of them remain in the various cities I've lived in. That hotel ooks huge!

  2. Regardless of the rain all the photos are beautiful.
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  3. We stayed at the Chateau Frontenac once when I was a kid and the thing I remember was how thick the window sills were. Strange the things that you remember.

  4. It is a magical city, one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, on the continent.
