Thursday, May 9, 2019

Last Florida Photos for a While

On Tuesday, my last day in Florida until the fall, a cooperative eagle posed for me in a scrub pine on a main road.  Back in Connecticut now, so New England photos start tomorrow.


  1. Stunning portrait of this eagle. Looking forward to see what you find to photograph in Connecticut.

  2. How very cooperative of Mr/Mrs Eagle to pose for you. A great send-off for the summer in New England. Looking forward to your posts there! I'm a half-back, which is what the locals call people who went south (FL) and then started back to the north, but only got half way back and stayed in these beautiful mountains! I left Hartford in 1969, moved to Tampa FL, then have lived all over the southeast for most of my life.

  3. Lucky you to see and photograph this guy!

  4. Wonderful photos. But it feels like you just got to Florida. Already back north!!?? I guess so. Time flies. Sheesh.
