Thursday, May 30, 2019

Faces in the Crowd

Mayor Luke Bronin spoke at the rededication of Burr Mall, the open space between the Hartford Municipal Building and the Wadsworth Atheneum, with a renovated fountain 

Also speaking at the ceremony was Tom Condon, a longtime columnist for the Hartford Courant, 
now semi-retired and writing for the Connecticut Mirror.

This is Billy Graham.  "No relation," he quickly said.

Tere Luna is a Mexican folkloric dancer and singer who performed at the Burr Mall ceremony.
Unfortunately, I missed her performance.

Ellie was on the periphery.  She didn't think she looked her best, but I can't see anything wrong.

David is a homeless vet.
I gave him a little money, he let me take a picture.
Let's call it a payment for services rendered.


  1. Great collection of portraits of "those who were there." And now how about the area, fountain, etc?

  2. Good portraits, Jack! And good to help out that vet.

  3. I do enjoy your interacting with your subjects and producing as a result fine portraits. And your wide-ranging interests and enjoyment of what you see. Thanks.

  4. Bravo AGAIN!
    Nice portraits.
