Saturday, May 18, 2019

Canada Geese

They are huge.  They are beautiful.  But, oh are they filthy!


  1. My Canada Goose says hi to yours...cousins I imagine. They do leave their droppings everywhere. I saw a mom (human) tell her 2 year old the other day to not step in the duck if a 2 year old knew what she was talking about. He just plunged through the grass without heeding her admonishment. We were talking about how plump they were and wondered if threatening them with roasting would help diminish their interest in our crumbs at our picnic. Not in the least! I was waving my napkin in one's face close enough he could have reached out and bit it...nothing deterred his hunger!

  2. Looks a bit like the lake on the golf course down the street.

  3. Walking around like they own the place, too.

  4. Their population has become excessive around Chicago. Every pond has its own flock of geese.
