Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Parade Participants

Some of the participants in the 2019 Naples St. Patrick's Day Parade.

A team of Clydesdale horses pulled a replica Budweiser beer carriage.

Fire, police and state troopers -- active and retired -- had prominent positions in the parade.
City of New York firefighters accompanied a float with 343 flags, symbolizing the 
343 NYFD firefighters who died in the September 11 attacks.

It must have been a long march for the younger participants, but some held up pretty well.

Some didn't.


  1. What a fun event, Jack !
    I like your header image very much.

  2. What are the lovely yellow trees blooming? Looks like a great parade!

  3. They yellow blooms are on tabebuia or golden trumpet trees. They flower for only two weeks, typically at the end of March.
