Tuesday, March 26, 2019

India Fest . . . Finis

One of the mothers of dancing children was master of ceremonies.

Like parents everywhere, there was a line-up of proud parents taking pictures.

Liban sells curried meals.  He is very persuasive.  Fortunately, his food is good.

Gold jewelry is very important in Indian culture.

Laxmi was lovely and graciously posed for me.


  1. A culture that is being shared, but also carried forward to it's own next generations living away from its roots. I imagine the dancing was most enjoyable.

  2. Looks like a very colorful event, Jack!

  3. Your third shot is my favourite of the set.

  4. I am a big fan of Indian food and I would have purchased my fair share of that jewelry.

  5. I love Indian food so Liban wouldn't have to do much persuading to get me to try his food. Great photos.
