Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Kit is a quiet young woman, who likes writing and drawing and is drawn to Japanese culture.
She shaves one side of her head and dies the other side purple.  And, she has begun
a collection of tattoos on her forearms, with a Japanese bunny on one side 
and characters from a Japanese story on the other.

Sabrina is camera shy, but she let me photograph her heavily tattooed arms.  She is German and has lived in Fort Myers for two years, though she previously visited Cape Coral regularly for 26 years.

People usually tell me there is a story behind each tattoo.  This artist just liked the designs.
Don David, a glass and silver artist, at the Naples National Art Fair.


  1. I always wonder how these will look when the people are old and wrinkled and the inks have faded & blurred.

  2. Your portrait of Kit particularly stands out.
