Saturday, February 2, 2019


Yesterday I went up to North Fort Myers to check on Harriet and M15, two eagles that star on a webcam, and their month old eaglets.  I only saw one adult eagle, and I couldn't tell which it is.

I caught the eagle flying back to the nest.  In half an hour of watching, the eagle took two trips out of the nest, looking for food.  This time it was empty-handed, or empty-beaked.

You can see the heavy artillery that keeps the eagle family in its sights 24/7.
To watch for yourself, look here.


  1. There is no privacy for them! ;-)

  2. Well, that was fun! I saw the two little ones trying to get comfortable in their nest. Thanks for the link. I'll check it from time to time. You got some great photos.

  3. Thanx For The Link!!! I just watched these beauties soar in my neck of the woods. They appear headless with the blanket of snow as a backdrop. Again, Thanx For Sharing


  4. The first shot is absolutely fantastic, Jack !
