Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Artis Naples

Artis Naples suffered major damage during Hurricane Irma.  Its art museum, the Baker Museum, has been closed since the storm.  The concert halls are, in general, unaffected. 

While the museum is closed, they are moving forward with a major expansion.

Some of the Baker's artworks are displayed in the concert hall's exhibition spaces.
This exhibition shows works from the collection on the subject of music and musicians.

One beautiful work is a photograph of violinist Jascha Heifetz by Albert Eisenstaedt.

  A full program of performances continues in the concert halls. 


  1. I hope they didn't have a lot of damage to the art, Jack.

  2. That photo of Jascha Heifetz brought back memories. My parents used to have an LP of him playing and they played it often. I loved listening to it.

  3. Hopefully the repair work goes smoothly.
