Sunday, September 9, 2018

Three Guys in West Hartford Center

John retired several years ago from a career as a social worker.  These days he hangs out in front of a coffee shop in West Hartford Center, reads newspapers and talks with other patrons.

I worked with Doug years ago.  He now works for an energy company with markets in the Midwest.

Gervaise is a mechanic.  When not working, he -- like John -- hangs out at a coffee shop 
and either reads a book or talks with friends.


  1. As always Jack... you have a special charm when it comes to photographing people.

  2. You've caught some nice relaxed photos once again.

  3. In each case, these portraits are different!

  4. I admire John's vocation. Being a social worker is not easy. I am sure he is enjoying retirement.

  5. Nice portraits. I rarely have the nerve to approach people to take their picture. Unless they are in a costume or show-off clothes, of course.
