Saturday, September 15, 2018

Out of the Jurisdiction: A Second Day in Fez


NIbal is our tour guider.

The rug seller.

The master coppersmith.

A merchant.

One among many amazing ceilings.

Peeking into a mosque.

A prickly pear sale.

I just liked the way the women were arranged.

Just passing time.

Friendly discussions look like angry arguments.

If it needs to be moved in the Medina, there is a heavy loaded mule or donkey 
or a man or two pushing a cart.

Tanning hides is in competition for the worst job in the world.


  1. Nice work in capturing the mood of the city.

  2. All of the photos are a visual treat and offers a glimpse into the culture.

  3. that donkey is really loaded with stuff. Great photos.

  4. I've heard that about the tanning business.

    That ceiling is what draws my eye.

  5. Jack, you have captured every aspect of this city. What an experience you must be having. I have watched the tanning of hides on TV and it was terrible. I can only imagine it is worse in person.

  6. Wonderful shots, every one! Helping us feel like we are riding on your shoulder.
