Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Mature Trees

It is a blessing to live in an town like West Hartford, which has a rich, leafy summer canopy from mature trees planted many decades ago.  But, the downside is that trees are living organisms.
They have expiration dates.

This year I have noticed a lot more tree removal.   The newspapers have had feature articles about the dilemma of needing to remove old and diseased trees amid strained municipal budgets.


  1. The problem is if you ignore them and they fall and kill someone, the lawsuit and bad publicity will be more problematic than a city's budget issues.

  2. I remember when they had to take down a tree in the yard of my old house. It brought tears to my eyes.

  3. It is always ad to see the old beauties come down.

  4. Yes. Watching old friends be removed is sad, but as William said better than the potential dangers of leaving it undone. Good pics.

  5. Hopefully they'll plant new ones in their place.

  6. Old diseased trees do need to be removed as they can be a serious hazard. Those trees in your photos look huge. Perhaps the wood can be used?

  7. Sad but necessary to take down the diseased trees. I wonder what they do with the wood, donate it or sell it.
