Saturday, August 25, 2018


West Hartford is a great town for walking, with well developed sidewalks all around town.
But, the roads weren't designed for cars and bicycles to coexist. 
Bike West Hartford has worked with the Town to mark a few bikeways on less traveled roads.

I went to the high school to photograph a Bike West Hartford ride, but Mary was the only one there.
We discovered that the group had gathered at another side of the school.

Mary was a freelance writer for publications like National Geographic and the Smithsonian.  
She moved back to Connecticut a few years ago to become the head of
the creative writing program at Central Connecticut State University.


  1. Another happy smiling face. Keep them coming.

  2. I applaud both activities in which she engaged, teaching writing and biking: one keeps the body fit and the other the mind!

  3. Those are some pretty prestigious publications that she wrote for.

  4. I hope there were a lot of people on the other side, Jack! She must be a good writer!
