Monday, August 27, 2018

Hartford Paint the City II - Music is the Link

Edwin Supelveda (a/k/a DON RIMX) painted an indigenous musician at the entry way to the Parker Memorial Community Center on Main Street in Hartford.

I wish they removed that scrubby little tree to let the mural be seen more clearly.

Click here to see other murals as part of Monday Mural.


  1. He looks like a flute player from Peru. Very nicely done.

  2. Gosh it's a beautifully complicated mural, wonderfully executed.. yes that tree has to go Jack, out with your axe 😀

  3. Great mural! Perhaps someone will steal that tree for Christmas.

  4. Great mural Jack, thanks for contributing.

  5. Nice! Murals - especially well done ones - are so great to see, over and over again. You are right about the tree, though.
