Monday, August 20, 2018

Hartford Paint the City I - "Give Peace A Chance"

The City of Hartford commissioned artists to paint 14 murals on city-owned properties.

Nick Frasco -- a former Hartford school teacher -- painted two children holding butterflies and wearing shirts with "Give Peace" and "A Chance" on the rear of Breakthrough II Elementary School (the former Mark Twain School) in the Blue Hills neighborhood of Hartford.

Click here to see more murals for Monday Mural.


  1. Nice mural. The first thing that popped into my mind was "John Lennon".

  2. The title reminded me of the John Lennon song too. It's very pretty and I'm sure the kids love it.
    Thanks for participating Jack.

  3. Nice mural with a good message.

  4. Love the theme plus the painting. Seems odd that we often find these messages on school buildings; perhaps
    adults should heed the messages, too.

  5. Lovely mural with a fine message. We could all use more peace.

  6. It brightens up the rather dull facade. We need more colour in our lives!
